Thursday, June 12, 2008

Posture and Bike Riding:

I frequently see questions about proper posture for riding a bike. Well, it depends on the type of bike you ride and the type of riding you do.

Many of those over 50 that I see on the local bike path have old fashioned bikes that allow you to ride will sitting upright, maintaining good posture. Others have gone to recumbent bikes or tricycles that are more back friendly..... or maybe they are just very efficient.

In any case, whatever type of bike that you ride, its best to have a bike professional make sure that your bike is properly adjusted for optimal riding efficiency.

Even if you bought your bike at a large sporting good chain because you got a good deal or didn't want to spend too much money, its a good idea to have a professional check out your bike and make sure everything fits.

My comfort bike is a mountain bike meant for casual riding. It puts me in a slightly forward lean that can put some pressure on my upper body and neck, after a while.

This is where it is important to do some upper body strength training to stay in balance. Joint mobility movements for the neck and back also help remove excess muscular tension.
A nice way to relax and ease some tension that may have occurred with the forward lean position in cycling is to lie on the floor and work on abdominal (diaphragm) breathing.

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