Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Strengthening Muscles Will Reduce Falls:

This is the title of a syndicated article that appeared in the paper this week. You may recall the article on Balance 101 that I did last week. Interesting timing. I'm not the only one that finds this topic interesting.

Someone wrote the authors of this article with a question about osteoporosis. She is 53 and recently diagnosed with this loss of bone mass and her 80 year old mother had fallen and broken a hip.

Did you know that for people 65 and older, fall related injuries are the leading cause of accidental death?

Osteoporosis is related to bone fractures in this population. Slowed reflexes, decreased balance, and weak muscles also play a role. The authors advise strength training to help reduce this risk of falls. Sound familiar?

They also point out that those with sore joints should keep moving to keep things from getting worse. I couldn't agree more. Movement is medicine, in my mind. You may have to choose activities that don't place a lot of stress on your joints, such as swimming or water exercise.

They mention things that can affect your balance, such as poor eyesight, poor posture and medications. I guess I'm not the only one who thinks that poor posture needs to be worked on.

Muscle weakness, balance and reflex issues can all be prevented in most cases with regular strength training. If you do regular strength training before you reach your 50's, you will reduce the chance of having problems with osteoporosis and falling in the first place.

If you already have some issues you can start with gradual exercises that involve your bodyweight, such as step-ups, squats, and bridges. If you don't already have these problems, don't wait until you do, to try and fix them. Try a little prevention.

Click here to read my article on Balance 101 - fall prevention.

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