Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Daily Exercise Can Reduce Death Rates in Men:

A recent article published in Science Daily looked at a study on how exercise effects the risk of death in black and white males. Researchers had the men complete a treadmill test and labeled them with different fitness levels.

They then followed these men for several years afterwards and compiled data on them. The researchers noted that it takes only a moderate level of exercise to gain these health benfits. A brisk walk of 30 minutes 5-6 days a week will increase your health.

They also noted that those who couldn't achieve 30 minutes in one session could break this up into separate sessions. The benefits would be the same. Those subjects that were found to be 'highly fit" had half the risk of death compared to those who were in the "low fit" category.

Building on some of my recent posts, you could say that it doesn't take that much physical activity to see increased health benefits. You could also say that doing exercise of greater intensity, such as strength training would yield even better results than doing moderate exercise.

Remember, in the article on resistance (strength) training that seniors were able to make changes in their cellular chemistry. They reversed the cellular decline that was attributed to aging. They also improved their strength levels 50% in six months time.

Trying to maintain strength levels are important in maintaining mobility as you age. Lean muscle tissue is important to your metabolism, as well as maintaining bone mass and joint integrity - trying to prevent injuries.

By combining both of these exercise types - walking and strength training, you stand a greater chance of avoiding diseases associated with obesity, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Exercise truly is medicine.

For those who might have a difficult time exercising due to physical problems, the Power Plate may provide an alternative. Whole body vibration platforms can build bone mass and lean muscle tissue, while helping with balance issues. A pretty efficient way to fight the aging process.

For more information on the Power Plate, click here.

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