Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Walking and your health:

Walking is a great form of exercise that almost everyone can do, with a decent pair of shoes the only equipment needed. Now that warmer weather weather is starting to appear in the Midwest, many people can be found out walking. Some for exercise and some just to be outdoors enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.

I'm a big supporter of walking. I think that if you did nothing else, you would still see lots of benefits to your health from walking. I also strongly believe that you need to do some strength training in order to keep your lean muscle tissue. Besides helping to keep your metabolism at its highest level, strong muscles will help you stay mobile as you age and provide support for your joints.

Walking is a natural part of life that has sometimes disappeared with all the conveniences of modern society. Many people only walk to the car, from the parking lot to the office, and from the living room to the kitchen or bathroom. Not a whole lot of movement occurs in these all to common scenarios. For many people, just getting back to doing some walking would be a huge boost to their health and to removing some of the stress and tension that seems to be the norm.

For a little better look at how walking can affect your weight loss efforts, check out my new article Walking and Weight Loss at Brian Morgan Fitness.

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